Play The Oscars TV Crossword

Where have all the great Oscar hosts gone? Well, let me rephrase that: Where have any Oscar hosts gone? Since 2019, the Academy Awards ceremony hasn’t had an emcee. The show hasn’t gone that long without a host since the early ’70s. And the usually huge TV audience for the show has disappeared along with the master of ceremonies. What goes missing when the host goes missing? The glitz, the glamour and the fun, that’s what. This issue of Puzzler celebrates the hosts of the awards who have made the show worth watching. The incomparable Bob Hope (still the record holder for most ceremonies hosted), Billy Crystal and Johnny Carson are legendary Oscar hosts who brought class and a whole lot of humor. Whoopi Goldberg and Jack Lemmon each emceed four times, and Steve Martin and Jerry Lewis clocked in at three hosting gigs apiece. For those who consider themselves movie buffs, test your Oscars knowledge in the crossword below.

The Oscars
March 2022
Test your knowledge on the award ceremony's most memorable hosts and the movies that won.
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