Christina Ricci Opens Up About Being Broke & Struggling with Aging

To us regular folk, famous people seem like they never have to worry about money and that they have all of the resources in the world to keep the look of aging at bay. However, some stars open up and share their struggles, reminding us that being famous certainly does not solve all of your problems. Christina Ricci is one of these stars. Despite having a very successful career, best known for starring in The Addams Family, she recently shared more about her hard times on Shannen Doherty‘s podcast.
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Despite beginning an acting career as a child, Ricci said that she has been very broke in her adult life. She explained, “I’ve gone through periods as an adult where we were really, really broke. You just have that thing of, ‘I don’t ever want to feel this way ever again.’ It’s like this visceral feeling. I don’t ever want to feel this helpless, because I think that’s what not having a lot of money makes you feel like. You feel very helpless.” Previously, she said that she had to sell handbags and jewelry to pay for her 2020 divorce from James Heerdegen, whom she shares a son with.

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Now she revealed, “There’s a ton of that pressure and it’s hard. You have to work to support your family but at the same time you working takes away time from your family. So yeah, it’s difficult but I’m in a really good place now. Again, I have a really supportive husband.” She is currently married to hairstylist Mark Hampton and they have a daughter together.

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Ricci also opened up about social media and the negative effects it can have on your self-esteem, especially for aging women. She shared, “You do hear the negative stuff the loudest, and it’s tough. I have experience with a person who his whole thing is just posting horrible, nasty things about me. It’s like all stuff that’s made up — horrible things about my children, my family. So I’ve just really had to ignore it. It’s that school ground mentality… but on such a huge level and such a public platform.”

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She continued, “When I started doing press for ‘Yellowjackets‘ and having to post on social media images of myself, just even as somebody over 40, I had a really hard time. I had a really hard time seeing these images. I had a really hard time reposting them. I really couldn’t reconcile caring about what I looked like so much. …It was so hard for me. But we have to find ways to navigate it where it doesn’t emotionally drag us down.” Tell us, have you ever felt something similar?

February 2021
1990s Rom-Coms
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