8 Things You Don’t Know About ‘Wonder Woman’ Star Lynda Carter

LOS ANGELES - AUGUST 1: Lynda Carter stars as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman) on the CBS Television Series
CBS via Getty Images

Lynda Carter is best known for portraying the superhero Wonder Woman in the 1970s series of the same name. However, Carter is very multi-talented and there is a lot to learn about her! Let’s start with her early years before she was cast in the role that would make her famous.

1She competed in beauty pageants

London, England - 1972: Miss Indiana crowned Miss World, fellow contestant Lynda Carter at the 1972 Miss World pageant, Royal Albert Hall.

Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images

In 1972, Carter won a local Arizona beauty contest and later Miss World USA. She also competed in the international Miss World pageant and placed in the Top 15, proving that she has incredible looks and smarts.

2Carter is a musician & was in a band with Gary Burghoff

Before she became a famous actress, she was hoping to jumpstart a music career. She made her public television debut at just around 4 years old on Lew King’s Talent Show. In high school, she was in a band called Just Us and later another band called The Relatives. M*A*S*H star Gary Burghoff was the drummer for The Relatives and they opened at the Sahara Hotel and Casino lounge in Las Vegas for three months.

In 1970, she sang on tour with The Garfin Gathering. Over the years she has released her own solo music including recent songs “Rise Up” and “Pink Slip Lollipop.” In an interview, Carter said that she has been writing music, jingles and lyrics for over 50 years.

3She talks for eight hours a day, no matter what

Hot Line Lynda Carter, 1982

Everett Collection

Carter admitted that she loves the sound of her own voice so much that she will talk for around eight hours a day, even if no one is listening! To help mend her vocal cords from so much talking and singing, she loves to brew strong ginger tea.

4Carter is half Hispanic and aimed to bring that to her ‘Wonder Woman’ character

American actress Lynda Carter (left) with her mother Juanita, UK, 22nd November 1972. Carter is Miss United States in the Miss World 1972 pageant.

Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Carter’s mother, Juanita Cordova Carter, was from Mexico and Carter was always proud of her heritage. When she got the role of Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, she wanted to bring that Latina flair to the character because there wasn’t much diversity on television back in those times.

5Carter was broke before she got the role of Wonder Woman

November 1972: Wearing an Indian necklace, Lynda Carter, Miss USA, arrives at London Airport for the Miss World Contest at the Royal Albert Hall

Central Press/Getty Images

At the time, she was 24 years old and revealed that she had just $25 left in her bank account when she got the call that she landed the role. Of course, production didn’t start right away so she had to borrow money to make rent that month despite being cast as a superhero.

6She invented the Wonder Woman spin

Wonder Woman Lynda Carter, 1976-79

Everett Collection

In an interview, Carter said, “I invented Wonder Woman’s spin. In the comic book, Diana Prince just left and came back as Wonder Woman. But for the show, they couldn’t figure out how I would make the change. I was a dancer, so I said, ‘I can do a pirouette or a spin.’ They put in the explosion later on.”

7She has been a longtime advocate for women’s rights

Actress Lynda Carter speaks during a ceremony as the UN names the comic character Wonder Woman its Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls during a ceremony at the United Nations Economic and Social Council Chamber on October 21, 2016, in New York. Carter played Wonder Woman in the 1970s television show. The honorary title comes as Wonder Woman turns 75 years old

TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images

Carter has been a longtime advocate for many issues facing our country including women’s rights. Recently, she was seen in Philadelphia at a rally for women’s rights. She has also donated and advocated for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, abortion rights and legal equality for LGBTQ+ people and has been the Grand Marshal in several Pride Parades.

8She played Rita Hayworth in an ’80s film

Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess Lynda Carter as Rita Hayworth, aired 11/2/83

Everett Collection

Carter portrayed actress Rita Hayworth in a TV movie called Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess in 1983. Although it was based on a biography, the movie went under fire for several historical inaccuracies including avoiding talking about her on-and-off affair with Glenn Ford.

Let us know your favorite thing about the irreplaceable Lynda Carter in the comments!

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