Exclusive: Kate Jackson Delighted Fans at Hollywood Show (Photos)

Last month at the Hollywood Show in Burbank, CA, something happened that fans have been requesting for years: having Kate Jackson as a guest at the show. It was announced on May 21, 2024, that she would be attending the convention for one day only, on Saturday, June 8, 2024. Fans went wild as word spread throughout the world that Jackson would give out autographs and take photos with her fans. Dark Shadows, The Rookies, Charlie’s Angels, and Scarecrow and Mrs. King fans quickly booked flights from around the world.

POSE/Courtesy Hollywood Show
Although the show announced that Jackson would be wearing a mask during the signing and professional photoshoots, this did not detour the true Jackson fans. On the day of the event, there were lines of fans bringing their favorite photos to sign and take a moment to chat with their favorite Angel. Unfortunately, she arrived 2 ½ hours late, but fans stood their ground in anticipation of meeting her, as the line kept growing.
As soon as Jackson arrived, she went right to the task of meeting her fans and surprise guests, including her Scarecrow and Mrs. King costars.
Kate Jackson talks about her time at the Hollywood Show

(L-R) Dennis Duckwall (producer), Martha, Greg Morton (Jamie King), Kate and Paul Stout (Phillip King) POSE/Courtesy Hollywood Show
“I had a wonderful time seeing and talking to each one!” she said. “We have a mutual admiration society and I’m their biggest fan! Some had flown all the way in from places like Australia, Scotland, Ireland, France and Germany … as well as from places all over this country! We’re truly friends and that means so much to me! Please let them know I think of them often and I’m sending my love.”
The bigger surprise for Kate was that she got to see a few of her costars from the series. David Johnson, one of the authors of The Ultimate Fan’s Guide to Scarecrow and Mrs. King, arranged the meeting of the cast. Johnson mentioned, “There were a lot of joyous tears amongst the fans and cast alike. I had invited Greg Morton (Jamie King) and Dennis Duckwall (producer of SMK) to the show. Greg Morton surprised me by bringing Paul Stout (Phillip King). It was a glorious time and an absolute thrill to see Kate reunite with her two television ‘sons’ as well as the producer of SMK. Kate had not seen any of them since they filmed the show.” However, Kate has seen Martha Smith quite a few times since filming. “My head is still spinning. Kate was absolutely wonderful and took her time with everyone,” Johnson added. “She seemed to genuinely enjoy and appreciate being around her fans again.”

Kate Jackson with Greg Morton (Jamie King) and Paul Stout (Phillip King) Hollywood Show June 2024 Credit: POSE/Courtesy Hollywood Show
Kate Jackson told me, “Yes, it was mind-blowing to look up and see “the boys” standing there! What a wonderful reunion and we’ll see each other again soon and often!” Jackson continued, “Martha and I see each other now and have been for several years. She’s terrific! SMK brought very special people into my life, people I care about very much and people I feel very lucky to know. I want to be sure they know how much they mean to me!”
SMK Costars share their thoughts
Greg Morton
“Magic. What else is there to say about seeing family again after so many years?” Greg Morton who played Jamie King (Amanda’s son), took time to share his feelings and how the King family reunion happened. “Communication with Paul is off and on over the years. Family and life in general get in the way for all of us. But we stay in touch. So, when I heard Martha …and KATE were both going to be at the Hollywood Show, it just wouldn’t be a King reunion if I didn’t have my brother. And Paul was game. When I saw him that afternoon, it was like no time had passed. Together, we walked into the booth to see our mom after 37 years, I think we were all a bit in shock. A gracious fan let us cut in line before her, and Kate thought her next group was waiting before it finally hit. HER BOYS! In her defense, grown men with beards don’t look the same as Philip and Jamie from so long ago. The hugs. I didn’t want to let go. It was so good to see her, and to be in the same room with the both of them. Like coming home.”

Warner Bros. Television/Courtesy: Everett Collection
Greg continued, “Kate was busy throughout the day, and sadly we didn’t get a chance to really catch up. We’re due, but hopefully soon. I did get to spend the day and evening with Paul, we both got to see Martha … Who never fails to brighten my day, and who also joined us for dinner. Plus, we got to see some fans and get some pictures taken with them, which is what it’s all about. Honestly, the highlight for me was seeing Paul and Kate embrace in the group photo booth. They both were emotional (I think we all were), and just to see them together made my day. Looking forward to more “home” again soon.”
Martha Smith
Martha Smith who played Francine Desmond on Scarecrow has a dear and close relationship with the diehard fans of the show. She reflected on the Hollywood show and Kate. ” Visitors at my Hollywood Show table seemed to fall into 3 distinctly different groups. Animal House fans: die-hard, boisterous, love a good laugh and tend to be mostly men, all ages. They can (and often do) quote most all the comedic lines from the film. Playboy fans also tend to be men … but are usually quieter and found lurking at the sides of the table as if wondering if it’s OK to approach. ☺️ Scarecrow & Mrs King fans, primarily females, are multi-generational, uber enthusiastic, and hail from literally every corner of the planet. They come bearing gifts and warm smiles and possess an uncanny grasp of details about the show. My agent, Bobby, who has done leagues of autograph shows, was astonished to see the kind of fan base SMK draws – in large part due to Kate Jackson’s appearance at this show.”

Universal Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection
“Kate’s presence after so many years absent from public appearances was indeed the Big Event. It was sheer hysteria and euphoria for the SMK fans who were downright giddy the entire weekend! The capper was when Paul Stout & Greg Morton, who played Kate’s sons in the series, showed up and it became an ad hoc family reunion. Seeing Kate and “the boys” reconnect and hug for the first time in so many years was a tender, heartwarming scene that resulted in many a wet eye in the room. She made memories that day in Burbank that for many will last a lifetime.”
“Lastly, I loved meeting so many younger people who are watching and enjoying the older shows. I think it’s part of a general nostalgia trend seen more and more today. People are pining for simpler, safer, more carefree (and more affordable!) times, and seem comforted by watching vintage films & TV shows that portray that world. Audiences are not rushing out en masse to catch the next version of another darkly dystopic, post-nuclear earth overrun by flesh-eating zombies. Again. 😎 Everyone instead seems to be … looking for Mayberry!”
Die-hard Scarecrow and Mrs. King fans talk about their experience meeting Kate Jackson
“As a die-hard fan of Scarecrow and Mrs. King, meeting Kate Jackson was a dream come true,” one fan named Simona said. “Having the chance to meet her twice, a kind of miracle. I first saw her on October 13, 2023, during the 40th Anniversary of SMK, at Amanda’s house. My God! This was such an unexpected gift I could hardly speak (there were so many emotions in my body in that very moment) but, on the other hand, I wasn’t able to stop smiling … I remember Kate’s hug and her sweet words before saying goodbye: ‘Always keep that wonderful smile.’ I surely will. Because of her and thanks to all the happiness she has brought into my life through her beauty and her talent.”
“Then I met her again at the Hollywood Show, which took place June 7 and 8 in Burbank,” Simona added. “As soon as I knew she was attending, I jumped on a plane and flew all the way down from Italy – wouldn’t have missed it for anything! I was not surprised at all to see how many people were there, eager to meet her, and while we were all waiting for her, I could clearly sense, and share, the emotion and the delight around. When I finally entered her booth, Greg Morton, (Jamie King) who had come to see her, was still inside and, looking at them, I could clearly see their wet eyes and I, myself, was barely able to hold tears back. What an incredible, precious moment! My turn at the table was then and my brain went bananas for a second: ‘What if I say something which bothers her? Or if I faint, right here, right now?’ In both cases, it didn’t happen, because Kate was so nice and so sweet to put me at ease immediately. I gave her a picture to sign and, while she was signing it (she wrote “With much love, Kate Jackson”), I thanked her for all the joy and the fun she had brought into my life, especially when I went through very difficult moments. I also told her how important it was for me to have her as a role model, and that her presence in my life – even at a distance – was so significant words could not say how grateful I was.
“Once again, Kate surprised me: ‘No, I am grateful!’ she said. I was on the verge of crying. I would have loved to tell her more and more, but there were many other people waiting to see her, so I had to go. But I went back to her after the photo op to have our picture together signed and I showed her a photo of two of the youngest fans she has: two boys, eight and four years old, whose mom, a friend of mine, introduced her toddlers to Scarecrow and Mrs. King. I wanted her to know there are so, so many people around the world who love her. Kate enjoyed seeing the picture and told me she is always surprised to find out how even young generations appreciate the show and that she is very happy about that because it means the production and the cast did a good job in creating a product for families and for entertainment. A good job? Let me tell you something: that show is pure magic. And so is Kate.” – Simona
“It was so wonderful seeing Kate in person because it had been a dream for so so long,” said Cindy (pictured above), another fan. “Kate was terrific, and it was more than amazing to be able to finally hear her talk in person and see her brown eyes. I felt like I was meeting an old friend.” – Cindy Tschorn Stokes
“My friends and I were very excited at being able to have the opportunity again to see and talk to Kate after she had surprised us at the Scarecrow and Mrs. King 40th reunion outside of the Amanda King house,” said Kathy Dudley. “We had discussed what pictures we wanted to have signed and what we wanted to say to her. After waiting two hours in line, it was so special to have that time with her! I understood and respected her need to wear a mask. It didn’t matter to me because it was Kate! Her eyes sparkled as I talked with her. I asked Kate a few questions about Scarecrow and Mrs. King. Her favorite episodes were the ones she had directed, “Unfinished Business” and “Pharaoh’s Engineer.” Bruce Boxleitner always comments about how much Kate would ad lib dialogue, so I asked her about a specific scene, and she said ‘Yes, I did.’ She also commented about another episode where Amanda and Lee were handcuffed to each other in the woods. They discussed going in opposite directions between trees in which Amanda hits Lee in the arm because he’s not following her. Kate was very animated describing this and was swinging her arms! I also brought her a piece of chocolate cake from the popular Cuban bakery and café Porto’s, here in the L.A. area. She was very excited about that and balled her fists together, exclaiming, ‘Oh Goodie!’ I am very thrilled at having the opportunity to be a part of that day at the Hollywood show and express my love to her!
“Also, it was very touching to witness during the professional photos that were taken when the two now-grown men who played her boys in Scarecrow and Mrs. King got their photo taken with her. The love shown to them and also back at her from the long hugs they shared were truly heartwarming and precious.” – Kathy Dudley
“It was the morning of June 8th, and I couldn’t believe the day had finally arrived: my second opportunity to meet Kate!” said Nurse Jill Danko. “Waiting in line with the other fans, I was excited, nervous (Would I be able to speak without stumbling over my words?), and anxious (Would she really be here?). Alas, she arrived, and it was my turn to meet her. However, just before I was to meet her, Paul Stout and Greg Morton, who had played her TV sons on Scarecrow and Mrs. King popped into her booth. What a reunion! I was so blessed to be there and observe Kate greeting Paul and Greg after 37 years of not seeing them. It was a special moment for sure. Kate was so animated and joyful in talking with them. Then it was my turn. I was definitely nervous, although I don’t know why; Kate is so easy to talk to. But then again, this is a woman who I have been a fan of since 1972! My career choice was a result of the influence of her character as Nurse Jill Danko in The Rookies.”

Everett Collection
“I attempted to untangle my tongue and say what I had planned on saying,” said Tammy Neu. “During this brief meeting I had her autograph my items and then she turned the tables on me! Many of Kate’s fans had participated in sending her messages via an E-card that I was able to print and bring to her. When I explained that it was for her, she handed it back to me along with her pen and said, ‘Then you sign it for me!’ What, wait, whoa!! I don’t do autographs! But I did — what a fun and memorable moment.
“The afternoon was time for the professional photo ops. By this time, Kate seemed to be much more relaxed, and she was having a great time with her fans. It was akin to a party atmosphere, with everyone busily chatting and waiting for their photo op. Kate’s TV sons were still around and got into the action with the photos as well.
“Finally, it was back to Kate’s booth to have her sign the photos we had just taken. The day was winding down and this was my last chance to talk to her, so I got up the nerve to share some of the things that have always made her special to me. She was so gracious and kind. I will never forget my first time meeting her in October of 2023, but this time was fabulous in its own way! I hope that there will be more opportunities; if there are, you know I will be there in line!” – Tammy Neu
“They say, ‘Never meet your idols!’ But in this case, they were SO wrong,” said Taya Johnston (pictured above). “Kate was a complete delight! She gave her fans her heartfelt appreciation and her attention. What more could a fan ask for?” – Taya Johnston (co-author of The Ultimate Fan’s Guide to Scarecrow and Mrs. King)
Scarecrow and Mrs. King cast reunion scheduled for 2025

Warner Bros./ Courtesy: Everett Collection.
Finally, some exciting news was just announced for an upcoming Hollywood Show. There is a Scarecrow and Mrs. King cast reunion scheduled for the June 6-7, 2025, shows in Burbank, CA. Scheduled to appear: Kate Jackson, Bruce Boxleitner, Martha Smith, Greg Morton, Paul Stout, Harvey Jason (Mr. Brand), and Marneen Fields (Dorothy). While the event is a year away, there will surely been more talent announced. So if you missed this chance to meet Kate Jackson, well, mark your calendars: June 2025 will be here soon!