Where to Stream ‘Knots Landing’ & ‘Falcon Crest’
Wondering where you can watch the hit ’80s soap operas Knots Landing and Falcon Crest? Wonder no more!
All 14 seasons of your favorite cul-de-sac inhabitants, Knots Landing, are now available to binge on Plex. That’s right! Check out all the big moments and big hair Seaview Circle had to offer here. Kidnappings, murders, assassinations and corporate intrigue were only some of the amazing storylines of this long-running Dallas spinoff centered around the goings-on of a very dramatic cul-de-sac.
And if that isn’t enough, all 9 seasons of Falcon Crest are also available on Plex. Revolving around feuding families in the California wine industry, set in the fictitious Tuscany Valley, Falcon Crest aired from 1981 to 1990.
Available on almost any device, Plex is a free, ad-supported streaming platform with a huge database of shows and films.
Best in Soaps
June 2017
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