On July 30, 1984, the new soap opera Santa Barbara premiered on NBC. The series centered around the wealthy Capwell family and the rival Lockridge family living in Santa Barbara, California. The show also followed two more ordinary families, the Andrades and the Perkins. In its run, it was nominated 30 times for Daytime Emmys and won 24 times and the series ended on Jan. 15, 1993.
Santa Barbara supercouple Marcy Walker (Eden Capwell) and A Martinez (Cruz Castillo) reunited and headlined the panel of over 28 actors from the show, with 18 creators, writers and producers taking the stage. Other headliners were Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia Wainwright), Lane Davies (Mason Capwell), Louise Sorel (Augusta Lockridge), Gordon Thomson (Mason Capwell) and Judith McConnell (Sophia Capwell). Show creator Jerome Dobson was also on hand with his daughter, Mary.
Credit: Mike Pingel
The event held at the Colony Theatre Company on Aug. 2, 2024, in Burbank, California, was explosive for Santa Barbara fans as cast and crew shared stories and memories. It was also a wonderfully personal, emotional and memory-making night for the cast and crew themselves. Reliving fun memories, the cast praised the writers of the show for making it the amazing show it was. The evening was a fundraiser for the Conasauga Shakespeare Coalition which is a nonprofit theater company based in Dalton, Georgia, and aims to deliver theater to audiences of all ages, with an emphasis on the timeless works of William Shakespeare.
‘Santa Barbara’ super reunion cast who were in attendance:
Carrington Garland (Kelly Capwell), Harley Jane Kozak (Mary), Ava Lazar (Santana), John Allen Nelson (Warren Lockridge), Kristen Meadows (Tori Lane), Steve Meadows (Peter Flint), Robert Newman (Kirk Cranston), Michael Brainard (Ted Capwell), Vincent Irizarry (Dr. Scott Clark), Richard Eden (Brick Wallace), Sherilyn Wolter (Elena Nikolas), Terri Garber (Suzanne Collier), Peter Love (Ric Castillo), Kathy Shower (Janice), Miranda Wilson (Sandra Mills), Gina Gallego (Santana Andrade), Valorie Armstrong (Marisa Perkins), Christina Brascia (Aurora DeAngelis), Ria Pavia (Elaine), Jane Rogers (Heather Donnelly) and Frank Runyeon (Michael)