Harry Dean Stanton

‘Alien’ Has Been Scaring Fans For 45 Years & It’s Just Getting Started
Find out where original cast is now and what is coming.

A Free Streaming Channel Devoted to Westerns Is Launching on Roku
At launch, Shout! TV’s Wild West TV FAST channel will feature 16 TV Western series, including “Lonesome Dove” and “Bonanza,” along with more than 150 Western movies, like John Ford’s classic “Stagecoach.”

Red Dawn: An ’80s Classic Or an Outdated Dud?
Having been born on the Soviet side of the Cold War, I thought it was time to finally watch the 1984 film Red Dawn, which follows a group of Colorado teenagers, named the Wolverines after their high school’s football team, as they fight against a Soviet/Cuban invasion at the start of a fictional World War […]

‘They Live’ & ‘Christine’ Will Be Back in Theaters for Their Anniversaries
The two John Carpenter ’80s classics are respectively celebrating their 35th and 40th anniversaries in 2023, and each will have a two-day theatrical re-release in September.